Burbach GmbH
-Tool holder

– Tool holder
The ideal permanent holder for stick and handle tools of all kinds.
Organize your workplace with one grasp!

Single Clamps
Steel parts are manufactured from high-quality galvanized spring steel.
The two star-shaped rolls and the buffer consist of non-abrasiv rubber.
For years PRAX® tool clamps have provided order and safety.
Stability, easy handling and low price have ensured their success.
See for yourself the advantage of this smart helper.
VARIO: The distance between the three PRAX® clamps included with the rail
can be easily adjusted by sliding them along the 480 mm length of rail to fit
the different space requirements of tools.
When the plastic plugs that are fitted at both ends of the rail are removed,
the system can be extended as long as you require, by adding further rails.
Furthermore, the number of holders per rail can also be altered according to
your personal requirements as individual clamps are available.
All the tool holders of the PRAX® system can be used, including the heavy-duty
version that will hold heavier tools.
- Handy
- Robust
- Solid
- Easy to fit
- Optimal protection against corrosion
- Extremly simple to handle
- Protects the fixed tools
- Low price
- Made in Germany
The four types:

Part-#: 1-25
0,5 mm thick spring steel
Part-#: 1-V25
0,8 mm thick spring steel
Part-#: 1-35
0,5 mm thick spring steel
Part-#: 1-V35
0,8 mm thick spring steel
What can the
-tool clamp hold?
Domestic appliances
- Brooms
- Hand brushes
- Scrubbers
- Dustpans
Garden tools
- Rakes
- Snow shovels
- Spades
- Shovels
- Scythes
- Cultivators
- Hedge-clippers
- Paint rollers
- Hammers
- Files
- Screw drivers
- Chisels
- Wrenches
Sports equipment
- Fishing rods
- Ski poles
- Squash rackets
- Baseball bats
Hospital equipment
- Crutches and canes
(rubber parts also in
grey colour available)
Shows and exhibitions
- Display systems
Vehicle constructions
- Fixing systems
We only sell to traders!
Burbach GmbH
Köttinger Weg 118
D-57537 Wissen
Tel.: +49(0) 27 42 / 96 90 90
Fax: +49(0) 27 42 / 96 90 91
E-Mail: Prax-Burbach@t-online.de